Revolutionizing beauty salons: meet the Real Brazilian Protein

Revolutionizing beauty salons: meet the Real Brazilian Protein

Professional hair stylists know that one of the most requested procedures by their clients is straightening. After all, straight hair is a type of hair that never goes out of style! However, in spite of pleasing clients, straightening is not always the hairdresser's favorite service...


Some of the reasons that make straightening not such a pleasant procedure for the hairdresser are, for example, the long time spent with just one client and the exposure to unhealthy chemicals. But what if we told you that there is a straightening product that can save you time and provide you with a healthier working environment?


Launched in 2021, the Brazilian brand RIOBELO uses unique technologies to make hair straightening and nourishing procedures safe, eco-friendly, and efficient. With a team of experts in the field, we are always looking for affordable solutions that really work for our customers. And, of course, we always maintain a relationship of trust, professionalism, and respect with the hairdressers who choose our products!


Today, we introduce you to our Real Brazilian Protein! With the innovative 20 minutes only™ technology, this product and the other lines of the brand have arrived to revolutionize beauty salons all over the world! Get ready to learn all about it and why you should use it!





As we mentioned, two of the reasons that make straightening a procedure not so advantageous for hairdressers are the unhealthiness caused by its use, as well as the time spent with just one client. And how can the Brazilian Professional Hair Protein Kit by RIOBELO change this?



  • No formaldehyde


The first reason that makes the Real Brazilian Protein line by RIOBELO so advantageous is the fact that it does not have formaldehyde, a substance considered a carcinogen by the WHO and contained in most straightening products. 


Formaldehyde is a volatile substance that, when inhaled, causes irritation to the respiratory tract and eyes. In addition, the greater the amount inhaled, the greater the chances of developing diseases such as bronchitis and laryngitis! Not to mention, of course, the fact that its use can lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, a formaldehyde-free straightening product is more than necessary in salons, isn't it?


  • 20 minutes only™ technology


The average action time of products for botox and straightening procedures is approximately 1 hour and a half. Do you know how long the RIOBELO products, like the Real Brazilian Protein, take to act? As the name of this innovative technology says, only 20 minutes! Amazing, right?


With the 20 minutes only™ technology, our products allow the number of clients served during just one day to increase significantly! After all, if using a conventional straightening product would require on average more than 1 hour and a half to serve just 1 client, with the RIOBELO lines it would be possible to serve 3 clients in just 1 hour!


Aiming to make straightening a safer procedure and always thinking about the well-being and success of hairstylists, RIOBELO has innovated and created the 20 minutes only™ technology. Clients will leave the salon much faster and with soft, straight, and frizz-free hair, and you, the hairstylist, will be able to increase your daily number of appointments!


  • For all hair types


One of the most frustrating situations for any hairdresser is when the result of the straightening process goes wrong because the product was not indicated for the client's hair type. In this situation, the client and hairdresser get frustrated and sad... However, with the Real Brazilian Protein from RIOBELO, this will not happen!

Thinking of attending the largest number of clients, RIOBELO created two main lines for its products:




The Açaíextract line from RIOBELO was developed to attend to clients with dyed or naturally blond hair. Composed with one of the fruits of the Amazon forest - the açaí -, the product line is full of nutrients such as fatty acids and flavonoids, which act as antioxidants, improving the appearance of the hair! With an anti-yellowing technology, the result is a safe straightening process, which does not cause fading or color changes in the hair, and leaves it beautiful and soft!





Thinking of clients without chemical hair treatments as well as owners of curly hair, RIOBELO has also created a line of Maracujá(also known as passion fruit) extract! This fruit, rich in vitamins such as A, B, and E, and in minerals such as calcium and zinc, promotes several benefits to the hair. In this way, straightening with the passion fruit line of RIOBELO products is also a moment of nourishment to the hair!


  • Eco-friendly, vegan, organic and cruelty-free


Nowadays, one of the greatest concerns we should have is for our planet. Nevertheless, RIOBELO has as one of its values the concern with nature. For this reason, all our products are ecologically correct, with reduced gas emissions during production and the use of recyclable packaging!


Not only that, but both the Real Brazilian Protein line and the other RIOBELO lines are made only with ingredients of vegetable and organic origin. And, of course, they are all cruelty-free! 


  • Accessible


One of RIOBELO's goals is to make access to safe, eco-friendly, and extremely high-quality products broad and easy. That is why our brand cosmetics offer real value in terms of quality, efficiency, and savings! After all, what is good should be shared, right?


  • 100% Brazilian


Have you ever thought how nice it would be to be able to tell your customers that they are using an authentic, 100% Brazilian product? RIOBELO products are totally Brazilian, from the ingredients used to make them to the material used in the packaging!




Well, now that the reasons for using both Real Brazilian Protein and the other RIOBELO products are clear, it's time to find out how it works in practice!


The Real Brazilian Protein is the second of 3 steps. Together with the Deep Cleansing Shampoo and the Deep Nutrition Mask, its result is visible in a matter of minutes! If you follow the instructions correctly, you will leave with shiny, soft, and beautiful hair! So, pay attention to the steps below to ensure the success of the procedure, okay?




1) Apply it to wet hair, from the scalp to the ends, massaging until it forms foam

2) Rinse it well and dry the hair




1) Wash the hair twice with the Deep Cleaning Shampoo (step 1).

2) Dry the hair completely.

3) Apply the Real Brazilian Protein in very thin strips, starting from the roots and until the hair is completely covered.

4) Let it act for 20 minutes only™ (depending on the hair type, the action time can go up to 40 minutes)

5) After the action time passed, rinse with water, leaving about 30% of the product. DON’T remove the product completely!

6) Brush the hair so that it’s straight and well-aligned.

7) Blow-dry it and slowly apply the flat iron to small strips of hair. Pass the flat iron 10-15 times on each strip.


At this point, the client's hair will be straight, frizz-free, and very shiny! However, to ensure that the hair stays beautiful and healthy, we recommend that the client performs step 3 with a professional hairstylist in the future!




1) Apply it to clean, damp hair and massage gently.

2) Let the Maracujá Deep Nutrition Mask act for a few minutes

3) Rinse it well and then dry and style the hair as you/the client prefer!



As you can see, the use of Real Brazilian Protein and the other amazing RIOBELO cosmetics have arrived to revolutionize salons around the world. We want hairdressers and clients to have access to quality, economical, and safe products without depriving them of incredible results!


Bringing the secret of Brazilian beauty to everyone, we are starting a revolution with the 20 minutes only™ technology and with our eco-friendly production! You too can benefit from all this - formaldehyde-free products, for all hair types, and fast and effective use - in your beauty salon, no matter where it is!



With the goal of bringing the best of Brazil to the world, we offer unique products for hairdressers who like to innovate and always want to offer the best for their customers. Are you one of them? Well, we know you are, so know that all our products are available on our website and you can follow all the news of our brand on our Instagram (@riobelobrazil)! So don’t wait any longer and join RIOBELO’s beauty revolution today! 
