ريو بيلو

هل تساءلت يومًا كيف تجعلين شعرك ينمو بشكل أسرع؟ وحتى أفضل وأسرع وأكثر صحة من المعتاد؟ ماذا لو أخبرتك أن هذا ممكن؟

تتكون خصلات الشعر بشكل أساسي من بروتين يسمى الكيراتين ، وهو المسؤول عن منح الحياة لشعرك ، مما يعني أنه مسؤول أيضًا عن صحة خصلاك ومدى سرعة وقوة الخصلة في النمو .

Your hair structure can get damaged by many factors like heat, pollution, poor hair care, unhealthy diet, sun heat, and many others... 

Protein treatments help soften the hair, strengthen hair strands, thickens them, making them healthier, treating heat and pollution-related problems, and adds extra volume and body to them as well. DIY protein treatments at home use regular kitchen products to treat the loss of keratin in the damaged spots like hair masks.

Follow below a few recipes that can be done at home and will save your hair!

There's no better sensation than waking up with good-looking hair, having no trouble styling it, and yet looking like you just came out of a salon. For that to happen there are a few important hacks everyone should be aware of. Those hacks will help with shaping. controlling the volume of your hair, keeping it healthy and Strong.

These tips will help with all types of hair, natural or chemically treated. All those alternatives are safe ways to maintain the smoothness and prevent future damages caused by home or solon made procedures, weather and heat levels
